Tuesday, April 9, 2019


Fifteen year old London-born Will, who lived with his family in Australia for a while but now resides in Dublin, Ireland began modeling at age four (he's the one on the right in the picture below)

However, after someone posted a photo of him on social media in 2013 he quickly became one of the most recognizable boy-models on the internet

In 2016 he got his first acting role and starred as Zak in the short film A Fish Out Of Water

Since then he started getting guest roles on a number of TV series, one of which was the popular British sitcom Chicken Girls in 2017 as Ezra...

... a role that he recently reprises in the movie version of the series, called Spring Breakaway (2019)


1 comment:


He was a popular American child actor during the 1990's with more than thirty credits to his name. Born in Redwood City, California ...